interior blinds

Maximum indoor temperature and light comfort thanks to smart sensors and artificial intelligence

Solar power supply

Fully autonomous

Very low power consumption

No utilities needed

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Heli IQ M

integral blinds

Automatic shading system equipped with smart sensors and artificial intelligence for maximum light and temperature comfort in your interior

Solar power supply

Fully autonomous

Very low power consumption

No utilities needed

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Blind IQ

mechanical blinds

A classic among blinds with high comfort of use and extremely quiet and economical operation

Simple mechanical design

Compatible with all home systems

Maximum control comfort

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The smartest blinds on the market Inspired by nature
Heli IQ M

The Heli IQ M blinds are powered by the sun and, like the sunflower, also cleverly turn to face the sun. The blind learns for itself which cardinal direction the window is situated on, and determines for itself when and how to tilt. On hot summer days, the slats are set to keep the rooms at the most comfortable temperature, and in winter they are set to let in as much sunlight as possible to help keep the rooms warm, thus helping to save money on heating bills.

  • HELI IQ M blinds are equipped with temperature and light sensors, which allow them to recognise the seasons by sunrises and sunsets and maintain the optimal supply of solar heat to individual rooms accordingly.
  • Thanks to the integrated solar panel, the blinds are completely powered by the sun. On winter days without direct sunlight, the solar cell is still able to recharge the battery. This, if the cell is covered, will keep the blind running for up to 6 months with one pulling in and out per day.
  • Thanks to the integrated AI system, the blinds are able to recognise which cardinal direction they are facing and adjust their behaviour accordingly. This means the blinds can work a little differently in each room, which is not a fault, but a demonstration of their amazing ability to adapt to the particular conditions.
  • They operate independently of any networks and are maintenance-free.
  • They are compatible with smart home systems.
  • Smart blinds are typically easy and quick to install. For the Heli IQ M integral blind, it is enough to use the ready-made fixing in the interwindow space for installation and for the Heli IQ interior blind, it is enough to drill the blind into the window.
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Are you interested in Heli-IQ blinds?
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Frequently asked questions and answers

1. What do I need in order to use Heli-IQ blinds with all the announced functions?

Virtually nothing - neither the home control system, nor the internet, nor the wiring in the house. Just mount the blinds on the window and log them on to the provided hand controller (if they are not already logged in from the supplier). All individual settings can be made via this simple controller.

2. Can I control Heli-IQ blinds from my smartphone?

This is possible if you log them to a supported central home automation system (Mediola, Loxon,...)

3. What quality of lighting do Heli-IQ blinds require to work reliably?

The photovoltaic cell does not need to receive direct sunlight, this cannot be arranged. Blinds can also be installed on the north side of the house. However, the photovoltaic cell cannot be directly covered. Installation in narrow skylights is also inappropriate and restrictions may also occur in the arcades of old houses. For such cases, the blind can be supplemented with a charging port for a one-off recharge. However, these are very extreme and exceptional situations.


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